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Select a File Storage Solution That’s Right for Your Business

As discussed in Improve Efficiency with an Effective File Structure, it is important to develop a system for keeping track of your electronic files. A strategy which includes a storage solution, implementation, and guidelines will go a long way towards achieving the goal of an efficient file system that is easy to remember and use. In this discussion, we’re focusing on considerations in selecting the best file storage solution for your organization. 

Determining the right “home” for your files is not as straightforward as it used to be. Before the cloud, the primary decision factor was whether data needed to be shared across the organization. As the internet matured and the option of cloud storage became more robust and accessible, whether to keep your data local or in the cloud became another key decision. The options regarding where to store data should be weighed carefully based on when and how accessible the data needs to be to support your business needs. As you evaluate these options, consider the following:

Local or Cloud File Storage?

File storage solutions can be housed on a local server or through a cloud-based solution. While there are pros and cons to each, you need to review the options carefully to determine which is best for your business. Keep in mind that the best option might be to implement different strategies for different types of data. It is possible to have a hybrid solution where some files are stored locally, and others are in the cloud. Here’s a summary of primary considerations.






Understanding the available file storage options and weighing the criteria that go into making a final decision on the best approach for your business is a challenge. Ninestone has supported a variety of businesses to develop strategies and implement solutions that meet their specific business needs. Our experienced consultants are ready to help your business design and execute a solution that works for you.


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